Oil industry environmental accountability – Why Envorem is the oil and gas industry’s new best friend
Oil industry environmental accountability is a fast-growing trend in today’s world and Envorem can help deliver this in a positive, cost-effective and non-judgemental way.
According to a 2022 report published by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, ‘New figures show climate litigation is a growing risk to fossil fuel industry and other companies.’ 500 climate litigation cases have been filed in the past two years alone, which means they have doubled since 2015 and pose an increasing risk to the oil and gas industry.
“There is growing pressure on the oil and gas industry from many different directions,” says Ben Monkton who is the chief engineer of Envorem, a Greentech innovation company that treats oil contaminated sludges and soil quickly and inexpensively. “Environmental pressure is increasingly identifying the extent of the pollution their operations create, and compel them to clean it up, including the vast legacy of sludge lagoons, tailing ponds and contaminated soil stockpiles that have been dormant for years…
“The demand for oil industry environmental accountability may come from the government, conservation groups or lawsuits, however the oil and gas industry isn’t without friends who can help them achieve this in different ways. As an engineer I believe the solution lies in new technology, however this will require a change of mindset.”
As a young engineer Ben had a dream to build a green oil rig. He was enthralled by the scale of such a vast project, designing the interlinking pipes, pumps and systems and figuring out how he could make the process that much greener. However, the more involved he got in the oil industry at the time, working on projects for oil and gas applications, the more disillusioned he became.
“The oil and gas industry isn’t without friends who can help them achieve environmental accountability. At Envorem we believe the solutions lie in new technology.”
“I realised the oil companies at the time were primarily focused on extracting oil and weren’t open to environmental improvements. I would make suggestions how they could save operating power and reduce the carbon footprint, if they were prepared to shift a little from their initial specifications. Every time I got the same answer; ‘Stick to the original specifications, we’re not that bothered.’
“This led to me feeling disillusioned and I started to look at getting into green energy, tidal power, solar etc. I want something where the crossover of my skills would benefit the planet. That’s how I came to work for Envorem, the company suited my skillset perfectly and was the right ethical choice!”
Ben was impressed with Envorem’s Green Technology that combines more than a decade of research, development and testing, that has secured a revolutionary breakthrough in oily sludge remediation. Joining the company during its large-scale pilot project, he has been part of proving that the technology works, providing a more environmentally responsible and sustainable system than current approaches.
“Now the oil and gas industry isn’t without friends who can help them achieve environmental accountability. At Envorem we can show there are better and cheaper solutions to current practices - we just need then to listen”
Ben also hasn’t given up on his dream of a green oil rig. Although this has now shifted to creating a fleet of clean up plants across the Middle East, it’s a stepping stone on the path to his dream.
Envorem and oil industry environmental accountability
Given his experience in the oil industry, Ben understands the challenges they face as well as the mindsets that need to be adjusted. “I think the industry is starting to shift towards being more accountable, and our MD, Mark Batt-Rawden sees new technology as a game changer for the industry and environment. If the industry would engage on a truly collaborative basis I’m sure we can win them over when they see what’s possible.” (See: 5 Benefits Of Using Envorem’s Cutting-Edge Oil Remediation Technology)
“Oil companies are already doing a lot to change their image,” says Ben, “Some of this is a kind of sidestepping, changing their name to sound greener, while others are making a difference by adding wind farms etc on their plants. However, this isn’t enough because in their backyard, the plethora of dirty oil lakes, contaminated soil stockpiles and evaporation pits remain and are increasing. This is where Envorem can turn things around for them, changing their practices by delivering inexpensive, sustainable processes that not only clean the environment and protect wildlife, but further subsidise the cost by reclaiming some of the oil.
“So, I think Mark has the right strategy. He aims to incentivise change in the oil and gas industry by making our treatment solution affordable and potentially less expensive than current disposal practices. He wants the oil companies to save money and benefit the environment. A true win-win.”
So Envorem really is the oil and gas industry’s best friend, providing technology that can halt waste from oil production and economically address the colossal volumes of legacy deposits. In time, fossil fuel companies will have to respond to all who stand for oil industry environmental accountability, whether it is those who lobby parliament on green issues, external pressure from Government bodies, lawsuits etc. Ultimately it may simply come down to end-users who refuse to accept anything less than an oil and gas industry that is committed to cleaning up the planet, saving wildlife etc. The pressure is on, and Envorem is ready to stand alongside the industry, helping them to act sooner, rather than later.