Now it’s time to


Adopting our technology allows the oil production sector to recycle its byproducts reducing carbon footprint, operating costs and, recovering materials for recycling. Envorem’s onshore technology is scalable from 5 tonnes per hour to 100 tonnes per hour for mobile systems with no upper limit on the capacity of a fixed plant. For the same capacity, our equipment is typically 10-20 times smaller than thermal treatment plants and uses 95% less energy. It even uses the water in the sludge for cleaning the sludge itself!

Pilot System

Envorem's oil sludge cleaning solution all packaged in a container ship ready for deployment

Envorem’s 5-10tonne per hour pilot unit

Envorem’s pilot system was used for the projects with PDO and Aramco and is currently deployed in Saudi Arabia. ​

Production System

The mobile system below has a capacity of up to 100 tonnes per hour of watery sludge and is the largest oil sludge processing system in the world. It is currently being exported to Saudi Arabia for a project we will be announcing in the next few months.

Control Room

Pump House

Pump House Interior

Water Tank (far left) Process Modules (left and right) and DAF System (centre)

Adopting our technology allows the oil production sector to recycle its byproducts reducing carbon footprint, operating costs and, recovering materials for recycling. Systems are built to order and offered on a lease basis.​ The first step is to get in touch!