Calculations and Sources used across our site

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[1] Carbon Capture Projects

In September 2022, the IEEFA reported that despite spending billions of dollars on projects, the global annual carbon capture capacity is currently just 11 million tonnes, excluding the 28 million tonnes re-injected to push more oil out of the ground. ​

For Envorem to save the same amount by displacing incineration:
For non-oilfield carbon capture, 11 million tonnes / 488,800 ​
= 22 systems to save more CO2 than all the worlds non-oilfield carbon capture projects.

CO2 from Oil Burnt/Incinerated

Carbon dioxide emissions per barrel of crude oil are determined by multiplying heat content times the carbon coefficient times the fraction oxidized times the ratio of the molecular weight of carbon dioxide to that of carbon (44/12).​

The average heat content of crude oil is 5.80 mmbtu per barrel (EPA 2019). The average carbon coefficient of crude oil is 20.31 kg carbon per mmbtu (EPA 2019). The fraction oxidized is assumed to be 100 percent (IPCC 2006).​


5.80 mmbtu/barrel × 20.31 kg C/mmbtu × 44 kg CO2/12 kg C × 1 metric ton/1,000 kg ​

= 0.438 metric tons CO2/barrel (438kg). ​

1m³ = 6.23 US bbl oil = 6.23X 0.438 = 2.79 tonnes CO2 per tonne oil. ​​

CO2 saved by Envorem System displacing Incineration​

An Envorem system running 50 tonnes per hour 24/7 will process 50*24*365 = 438,000 tonnes per annum. If the sludge is 40% oil then 175,200 tonnes of oil is recovered​

@2.79 tonne CO2 /tonne oil incinerated, one Envorem system can save circa 2.79 * 175,200 = 488,800 tonnes CO2 /annum

Page: Our Eco-Friendly Oil Sludge Treatment: 

[ref 1] Carbon dioxide emissions per barrel of crude oil are determined by multiplying (heat content) x (the carbon coefficient) x (the fraction oxidized) x (the ratio of the molecular weight of carbon dioxide to that of carbon (44/12)).

The average heat content of crude oil is 5.80 mmbtu per barrel (EPA 2019). The average carbon coefficient of crude oil is 20.31 kg carbon per mmbtu (EPA 2019). The fraction oxidized is assumed to be 100 percent (IPCC 2006).

Calculation: 5.80 mmbtu/barrel × 20.31 kg C/mmbtu × 44 kg CO2/12 kg C × 1 metric ton/1,000 kg = 0.432 metric tonnes CO2/barrel. There are 6.2 barrels to a metric tonne so = 0.432*6.2* = 2.7 tonnes. For a tonne of sludge with 40% oil content the CO2 saved against incineration would be 0.4 * 2.7 = 1.08 tonnes


[ref 2]: Extreme impact and cavitation forces of a biological hammer: strike forces of the peacock mantis shrimp, N. Patek, R. L. Caldwell, Journal of Experimental Biology 2005

[ref 3] Where sludges have been left in open pits for several years, many of the lighter fractions of hydrocarbons will have evaporated leaving just the heavier and less valuable fractions. Where the sludges are fresh, however, the oil is usually good enough to be returned to the pipeline and water recovered.

[ref 4] We estimate our system will consume less than 10KwH/tonne compared to an incinerator using circa 200kwH/tonne. The figures are hard to find anywhere and are dependent on many variables. KOC in Kuwait reported where they were thermally treating sludges only 2-3 tonnes per hour was achieved and the practice abandoned.

Home Page calculation of 68 tonnes: Based 737 LHR-JFK 5585km @ 3.9kg/km * 3.15 KgCO2/Kg fuel = 68,611Kg (source /

Page: Applications

[ref1] This is true unless the source sludge contained a high concentration of heavy metals or NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material). However there is still a benefit since the oil and majority of water is removed from the sludge, the residue will be much lower volume. In the case of radioactive material, the reduction particularly in the oil concentration will allow much less concrete to be used for stabilisation.

[ref2] Various:

  • “A 0.5% increase in production efficiency” is based on the sludge containing circa 50% oil

  • “A 90% reduction in waste volume generated” – based on sludge containing 5-10% solids

  • “A reduction in sludge disposal costs of circa 40%” - Based on Envorem costing less than incineration

  • “A 0.5% reduction in the volume of oil extracted from the earth” – If the sludge is 1% of the crude oil extracted and we recover 50% oil from the sludge, assuming oil demand is a constant, the oil producer would need to extract 0.5% less oil to deliver the same volume

  • “A reduction in the carbon footprint of oil production of circa 4%” – Barrel of crude oil yields 6000 MJ when and Emissions from production are global average* 10.3Grammes CO2/MJ so producing a barrel of oil generates 61,8Kg of C02 and for 100 barrels 6,180Kg.

    As calculated in “Our Tech (1)” above, a barrel of oil incinerated releases 432Kg Co2.
    If Envorem can save 0.5 barrels in every 100 barrels produced then the 432/2 KG is saved from incineration and extraction can be reduced by 0.5% saving 6180 * 0.5% = 3.1kg CO2. So the total saving in CO2 is 432/2 + 3.1 = 219.1Kg per 100 barrels extracted.
    As a percentage of the emissions from producing 100 barrels = 219.1/6180 = 3.55%.

    Any emissions from transporting the sludge to the incinerator/waste facility will increase this number whereas if the Envorem’s system is located at the Gathering Station, these emissions will largely be saved hence a figure of circa 4% is appropriate.
